Creating Enduring Conservation®
Resources Law Group LLP offers legal and policy expertise to help advance cutting-edge approaches to conservation. Creative, nimble, and effective, we are committed to delivering enduring outcomes for our clients, and for the environment. Our successful efforts have protected vast ocean and coastal resources and millions of acres of land in California and throughout western North America.
Resources Law Group achieves these lasting results through a number of customized, cross-disciplinary approaches:
We advise our clients on land use and natural resources law and policy
We provide legal and consulting counsel to guide creative collaboration among many interested partners
We design and execute conservation-focused real estate transactions
We provide technical and legal support in crafting legislative proposals and navigating the legislative process
We develop customized solutions to legal and policy challenges for a broad range of clients, including timber owners, ranchers, municipalities, and philanthropists.
We offer our clients innovative, strategic approaches for regulatory compliance, real estate transactions, mitigation banking, and more.

Photo Credit: Jeff Sullivan