Regulatory Compliance Strategies
Strategies That Work for Resources and People
Resources Law Group represents public agencies, local governments, private companies, and individuals in natural resources law and policy matters. Our regulatory practice focuses on water management, sustainable forestry, and sustainable energy development.
Our goal is to help these clients develop comprehensive, stable, long-range regulatory compliance and resource management programs that result in efficient environmental project review and enduring conservation of natural resources. We work at the forefront of creative land use planning, reconciling important—sometimes competing—objectives such as housing and economic development with the conservation of natural resources.
We have been instrumental in several regional, multiparty natural resources projects that have addressed water management, environmental regulation, habitat protection, and land-use planning. We provide legal and strategic advice to help local governments develop land use plans for parks and open-space infrastructure, and to efficiently meet state and federal requirements for protecting species, habitats, wetlands, waterways, and water quality.
We are also deeply experienced in designing and implementing habitat conservation plans under the Federal Endangered Species and California Natural Community Conservation Planning Acts; regional wetland, mitigation fee, and open-space preservation programs; and managing sustainably harvested industrial timber lands, as well as other new and evolving conservation planning approaches.
We helped develop the policies that are the foundation for mitigation and conservation banking, and have since helped develop numerous wetland and endangered species banks throughout California.
We have helped enhance public comments on, and discussion of, regulatory and resource management proposals, and have helped draw underrepresented communities into the development of public policy.
Strategic Approach > Regulatory Compliance Strategies
Photo Credit: Wendy Miller